Subscription numbers – type and increase

  • i get a usually at least one new subscriber per day, and wordpress notifies me via email…but today i checked my subscription stats on wordress stats page, and none of the people that have subscribed for past 2.5 weeks have been added. i find it hard to believe that all of those people subscribed, then unsubscribed…anyone having similar issues?
    happy new year

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • @dearexgirlfriend Did the people who subscribed click the confirmation link that would have been sent via email?

    They’re required to click that in order to become an active subscriber on your blog.

  • ah ok…i dont know if they clicked that link…so i get an email saying someone subscribed to my blog whether or not they confirm it? even if that is true, again i have a hard time believing every single one of the people that subscribed over past couple weeks didnt click the confirm link.

  • I’ve noticed this too but I have a “subscribe” widget. I get email notifications too but these numbers do not show in my ‘number of subscribers’.

    I believe most people (the ones that are not counted within stats) had subscribed through the widget whereas the ones that are counted had done so through the WordPress subscribe button above the page. Just a guess. Correct if I’m wrong.

  • This appears to be fixed :D My subscriber numbers seemed to have jumped to equal the number of emails I’d received!

  • Good news. Thanks for sharing it and best wishes with your blog. :)

  • It looks like they’re doing some changes in the Subscription dashboard. Now I can see what WordPress users are subscribed and a separate tab for e-mail subscribers. In addition, the number of e-mail subscribers jumped from 62 yesterday to 89 today, even though I haven’t had a huge splurge of new subscribers to justify that number. In fact, when I download the CSV, the resulting spreadsheet shows only 62. Weird.

    Also, in one of my pet peeves across the internet, WP has changed the simple dates on which each subscriber joined to that horrible “1 week ago” and “2 months ago” thing. Why, are dates so hard for people to understand???

  • @schoolfinder72
    Would you line to send your feedback to Staff? They are unlikely to post into this thread so here’s the link for you

  • We did this on purpose – both adding the subscribers to your total numbers (which would have bumped a lot of people’s numbers up a bit) and changing the dates to be relative, which is easier for many people to understand at a glance.

  • I feel neglected I only added maybe two subscribers and not the tons everyone else seems to have added. :)

  • I feel neglected I only added maybe two subscribers and not the tons everyone else seems to have added. :)

    I was hoping for more out of my own site as well. :)

  • Oh hurray! At last, all subscribers, both by email and Reader, show up in our stats? Yippee!

  • The number of my subscribers jumped up too (219 to 274) but the CSV file only lists 222. I tried comparing the lists and some address, about 1 or 2 per page, are not listed in the CSV file. Any idea why and which number is correct ? Thanks !

  • Users who subscribed via the Subscribe link in the admin bar won’t be in the CSV. The CSV only contains email subscribers.

  • OK… I’ve read through this thread but still feel a little ‘in the dark’ and confused about the number of people who have actually subscribed to my blog? My own Stats state 259 active subscriptions: 6 identified as and 253 e-mail subscribers, yet the CSV list only totals 214. Poster macmanx says that visitors who subscribe via the Subscribe link on the admin bar will not show in the CSV – does that mean the admin bar shows for every visitor? I thought it was just there for my own and other WordPress visitor’s use? I’ve been using the CSV as a mailing list to share stuff with interested parties outside of WordPress – but am I right in thinking there are around 40 extra people who I need to weed out manually from the list? What a pain!

  • I had the unexpected jump in subscribers a few days ago (almost double!) but then today I’m back down to only half of them listed. How come the others aren’t showing any more?? It’s now only showing me the people show subscribed in the past 2 months…no one before that.

  • @home4yahweh: I have the same problem this morning. Email subscribers went from 4 to like 40… then back to 4, even though the list shows 15 different email addresses.

  • I have the same issue – started with 28 email subscribers. With the update, it went to 70-odd (which was very nice), but only where listed as 8 email subscribers. Now the page is showing 4 email subscribers, but 8 people in the CSV file…

    I’m just hoping that somewhere along the way 20 email subscribers didn’t get dropped from the list, since I find it hard to believe they all spontaneously decided to unsubscribe on the same day, especially a day a change was made.

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