
  • Hi there, hoping you can help…
    When people subscribe to my site they obviously fill in their details etc… and I am notified via email that they have subscribed. However, it seems that every time somebody wishes to leave a comment on my site they have to fill in these details again (name/email address etc). Is there a way I can stop them having to do this? as I feel it will deter people form interacting with my site and leaving comments etc as they can’t be bothered filling their details in every single time. Thanks

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    You can change the Comment settings and Display option from your Dashboard > Settings > Discussion.

    From there you can select/unselect the options you prefer.

    Please note that even if you disable the email and name options, these will still show under the comment field, but your viewers won’t have to fill them in.

    Also, if they are signed in as users, their details are usually filled in automatically.

    Let me know if you need more help on this.

  • Thanks very much! Problem solved☺️

  • Hello WP,

    I have a major disconnect with understanding subscribers. I have 93 subscribers on my photoblog, but WP will not email any of them when I publish a new post. When I go to the Users on the dashboard, I can only add new, edit or delete. I am truly mystified as to what to do!

    I tried plugins: Email posts to subscribers and Email Subscribers & Newsletters. Neitherallowed me access to the subscribers on my Users tab.

    Please send help, work-arounds, answers or just plain explanations.


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