Subdomain mapping by CNAME record. Need A record from Primary domain???

  • Hello, we have problem on subdomain mapping to wordpress blog which is our primary site. Since emails service issue, we cannot point our domain name to wordpress ns servers. We go subdomain approach.

    We have updated the CNAME record to map our subdomain to our wordpress blog. However, when we map, it shows “Sorry but has not been registered yet therefore cannot be mapped.”

    we have checked here that our CNAME record is correct.

    Is there any DNS record that we should update related to primary domain like A record?

    Million thanks if anyone could help.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I see you also emailed us about this issue, and Herman helped you via email. To avoid confusion, please continue that email conversation and Herman can help you with any followup questions you have about that. :)

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