Sub-menus obscured in top level static tabs

  • Hello,

    I have created Static top level tabs in “custom menus”, but at the front end of the site the sub-menus are obscured by the “post” area. You can see their outline, but they are appearing UNDERNEATH the post area.

    Is there some way to fix this?

    I am using the “Spring Loaded” theme.

    Also, how do I make all my blog posts appear under the Pages section (I have created a “Blog” page) in the side-column area? Is it something to do with categories?

    Hope you can help! Thanks!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    Your menu looks good on my end… What web browser are you using?

    For your blog posts, you’re wanting them to show as sub pages of your blog page, correct? If so, since blog posts are a “different animal,” so to speak, than pages, I don’t know of a way to get them to display there.

  • Since you’ve set your About page as your front, you must go to Settings>Reading again and set “Blog” as your posts page. Then all your posts will show up when one clicks the Blog top nav tab.

    Yes, you need to file your posts under various categories, depending on their content. Then you’ll go to Appearance>Widgets and add the Categories widget, so that your categories will display in your sidebar. Clicking on a category will bring up all the published posts filed under that category.

    Displaying the titles of all the posts in the sidebar is possible but not recommended: first, you’ll have to update such a list manually each time you publish a new post; second, sooner or later that list will become inordinately long for your sidebar.

    One more thing: since your theme has a top nav menu, your Pages widget is redundant. If the only reason you added it is to display the “Greeting Cards” subpage, you can go to Appearance>Menus, and create a custom top nav menu. Then the subpages can show up as dropdowns. See here for instructions:
    Creating a custom menu will also allow you to eliminate the “About Hello Percy” tab (which is redundant, since you’ve set that page as your Home).

  • Thanks panaghiotisadam, I’ve followed your advice – I’ve fixed the blog problem, no worries. But I’m still having a few issues with the menu.

    I had actually made a custom top nav menu which was linked to my pages (which also showed up as the side panel). Now I have deleted the pages widget, so the sidepanel has disappeared, but the sub categories do not drop down from the top nav menu. I have “Products” as the custom page, then “Greeting Cards” as the page (tabbed so it should technically become a sub category, is that right?).

    I sort of miss having the side panel there – is it possible to have both? Do you just recommend getting rid of it because it is unnecessary doubling up? Also, since I’ve deleted the “About Hello Percy” page, being the homepage, how do people navigate back to the homepage if there is no tab?

    I’m slowly learning!

    Thanks for your help!!!!!

  • I have rejigged the custom menu so now it is working, HOWEVER! the drop-down tab labelled “Greeting Cards” (in Products) is still obscured by the post box.

    The only time this drop-down tab is VISIBLE is when you go to “Categories” in the side panel and click on the “Blog” category. When you do that the following text appears: “Archive for the ‘Blog’ Category”; which allows for the extra space for the drop-down tab to be visible.

    Does this make sense?

    I’m using Internet Explorer browser (Vista), but not sure which version. From around 2009? Is it just my browser having this issue?

    Thanks again in advance!

  • 1) Yes of course it’s possible to have both the top nav menu and the Pages widget: I just don’t see the point of it if they are identical. But it’s your blog, not mine! Also, you can create a custom menu for your top navigation and a different custom menu for your sidebar, then add the Custom Menu widget instead of the Pages widget.

    2) You didn’t delete the “About Hello Percy” page, and I didn’t suggest you do that: I suggested removing the “About Hello Percy” tab from your menu. Add a “Home” tab instead.

    3) As for the submenus being obscured by the post or page area, I would have guessed it’s Explorer even if you hadn’t told us… You must report this to staff (but you must tell them which version you’re using):


  • Hi Panaghiotisadam,

    Thanks again :o)

    I’ve changed it to “Home” – I see what you mean, it definitely looks better.

    Explorer can be a bit useless at times, I’ve had trouble with other websites as well. I will report it.

    Thank goodness for this forum or I would be in a right pickle!!

  • Have just updated to Internet Explorer 8 and it fixed the problem – low and behold!

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