Structured Data Error

  • The Google Search Console is show 2 consistent errors under the heading Structured Data > hentry (markup:
    The errors are Missing: Author and Missing: Updated
    I’m using the Dara theme.
    I don’t have any coding background and really don’t want to break my site messing around with the HTML- but I also want to get rid of the errors!
    Any idea how I can solve it?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @jeeperskeepersautocentre,

    There was a troubleshooting thread regarding these errors a couple years ago:

    In it, @supernovia writes,

    Here’s what we found: Google’s newer testing tool recognizes that these pages are not blog posts / news articles. When you test individual pages or portfolio items, you’re using the newer testing tool, which does not look for updated dates or authors or other blog-centric information. That is why you won’t see errors there.

    I’m not sure why the main page continues to test the pages as news articles, but since they test fine individually, you can be assured that Google is not penalizing you.

    If you see this error on a blog post (generally these will have a date in the Page URL) let us know. But if you see this error associated with a page or portfolio item, please click through to test the live data, and if that passes, the page is structured properly.

    How do her findings compare to your situation? Let us know and we can take this the next step as needed.


  • It sounds pretty similar. I ran a test on on of the individual pages live data and it showed no errors but in the main google console they still show with the errors.

    If it won’t affect our ranking and Google won’t penalise us for it I’m not too bothered but if there is a way to correct it I’d like to get it sorted.


  • Hi @jeeperskeepersautocentre,

    Thank you for running that test. What you say is correct: you won’t be penalized for the errors.

    …if there is a way to correct it I’d like to get it sorted.

    I’m tagging this thread so staff will look at it. Your issue is solved, but it’s still worth checking to see what potential there is for progress either on’s or Google’s behalf.


  • Thanks @jessestu :) Glad that old comment is useful still sometimes!

    @jeeperskeepersautocentre since the problem is with Google’s older parser and their other one is fine, I’d just wait for them to resolve it. Cheers!

  • Thank you for checking in, @supernovia!

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