Structure Theme – grey box?

  • Can anyone tell me how to get rid of this big, grey box in the top half of my layout? I love the structure theme but this looks dumb, I want to put a nice picture there.
    :) Thanks!
    – Kait

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • This is a brand new theme just released and there isn’t much documentation supplied with themes. As we haven’t had time to test it in our test blogs we Volunteers cannot answer your question. Please either contact Staff directly > or post your question here >

  • @kaitlynjane Structure uses that big grey area to display a “Featured Image” from your latest post—from a featured category of your choice. To change the featured category, go into Appearance > Theme Options.

    To make sure an image shows up there, go to the latest post in your featured category and choose a Featured Image by using the option of the same name in the Edit Post page (look for the option underneath Post Tags and Location).

    @timethief We’d prefer not to receive questions or support requests via the blog comments, so please don’t recommend that as an option. :)

  • @Lance
    Re: not receiving comments on the posts — ummm okay.

    Re: eliminating that gray box and the photo altogether. Can it be done?

  • I still can’t find how you set a featured image? Can somebody explain it simply?

  • This doesn’t help if a blog uses multiple users. And it doesn’t help if those multiple authors don;t include a picture. Anyway we can make it so it just shows a clip of the article and remove the category thing since in a multiple user blog, different categories can be used? The rest of the theme is awesome, except for the gray dang box.

  • The rest of the theme is awesome, except for the gray dang box.

    1. If there is a way to eliminate it completely I’d like to know how to do that but I suspect there isn’t.

    Tags: black, white, dark, light, two-columns, three-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, fixed-width, custom-header, theme-options, threaded-comments, sticky-post, rtl-language-support,

    2. I also could not find where the settings for changing from a 3 column to 2 column theme are located.

  • @alcoholandbandages: In the post editor, click the Add an Image button, or the “Set featured image” tab of the Featured Image module (if you see no Featured Image module, click Screen Options to activate it); select from computer, upload, click “Use as featured image”, wait till it saves, close box without clicking the “Insert into Post” tab. For this theme, images have to be 620×380 pixels or they get distorted.

    @kaitlynjane & chscarlett: Perhaps you’re missing the fact that, except the box for the featured image, you also get the title of the latest featured-category post above the box (in huge size). This theme is designed to highlight the latest post from a given category in an oh-so-gross way: if you don’t like that, the theme isn’t for you.

  • @Panos
    I played around with it and noticed that. This theme is not for me.

  • Yeah, that’s what I liked about the theme because I could get three columns, add some of my own stuff, AND highlight or show off the latest post. That seemed to be ideal for blogs that have multiple Authors like another Word press blog I am on. If there was just some way to remove the gray box if no one posts an image, then it be perfect. However, if no one posts an image in their article then there is just a gigantic gray box which is unsightly. Yep, I know the title is displayed, which is a great thing, but again, the gray box. So while the theme was awesome on other accounts, because of the gray box, then no, guess its not for me.

  • @alcoholandbandages: In the post editor, click the Add an Image button, or the “Set featured image” tab of the Featured Image module (if you see no Featured Image module, click Screen Options to activate it); select from computer, upload, click “Use as featured image”, wait till it saves, close box without clicking the “Insert into Post” tab. For this theme, images have to be 620×380 pixels or they get distorted.

    I’ve tried this and it still isn’t working. Any ideas?

  • Panos said: “you also get the title of the latest featured-category post above the box (in huge size). This theme is designed to highlight the latest post from a given category in an oh-so-gross way…”

    The block quotes are also a hugely gross size too and look so weird in relation to the oh so delicate size of the type.

    This theme has some great features – I like all that white – but the gross aspects are a deal killer for me and this theme.

  • @tt: Same here.

    @chscarlett: If highlighting the latest post is important, you could try Inuit Types, with the “Featured Post Entries” option set to 1. Post with featured image? Image and title displayed against a colored background. Post with no featured image? Title against colored background.

    @alcoholandbandages: That’s the way it’s done. Perhaps you’re forgetting to click Update Post?

  • I have the same problem than @alcoholandbandages I still can’t find how you set a featured image… Any other suggestion?

  • alcoholandbandages and mbas1522
    The instructions panaghiotisadam provides are accurate.
    Which browsers and versions of them are using?
    Have clearing the browser cache & cookies and logging in again?

  • Thanks Timethief I finally found what was wrong. :-)

  • mabas1522
    That’s good to hear. :)

  • @lance – really, really looking forward to a WPcom Support doc on using the Featured Image, especially since this seems to be a new feature consistent across the last three/four new themes added to the arsenal.

  • The fact that the theme does not allow you to turn on/off that post highlight option and the figure sucks.

    For now, I made do with some nice imagery but in future that will not work so well. I hope WP considers making this feature a bit more flexible, because I love everything else about this theme.

  • The fact that the theme does not allow you to turn on/off that post highlight option and the figure sucks.

    I agree with you 100% because I do not have visual art or photo blogs. This theme is obviously aimed to appeal to photographers and artists. I’s not really aimed to appeal to those who primarily create text and the fact that we cannot disable that box means fewer bloggers will use the theme.

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