Strange spam?

  • I got a comment on my blog earlier which seemed a bit strange. It didn’t strike me as spam right away and Akismet didn’t mark it as spam, but something’s not quite right either. It’s just “hi nice post, i enjoyed it”

    I was wondering if anyone else has seen comments like this over the last couple of days? The lack of detail seemed strange and didn’t match the post, so I Googled the email address; no matches, but when I Googled the term itself it’s all over the place on different blogs… seems like spam.

  • it’s spam. i got something along those lines before.

  • The URL is the give-away. I get these all the time lately. Occasionally one will slip past Akismet but not often.

  • Thanks. I was just checking and I’ve marked it as spam with Akismet, so hopefully it will recognise it next time. The weird thing was there was no url attached; maybe they’re trying to be sneaky… sneaky spam, now there’s a scary thought.

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