Strange little Akismet question

  • Note: Please read carefully before replying. This is hard to explain, and could easily be misread.

    I’ve been dealing recently with Akismet blocking a few legitimate comments. Not a big deal. (I’m not complaining and don’t need to be sent to prior threads on general Akismet issues.) I assume this will work itself out. [1] But when I “de-spam” a comment, I notice that for a little while afterwards, when I click the “Akismet spam” link, there remain the “Caught Spam” and “Latest Spam” messages, showing “1 comments identified as spam,” despite it’s having been despamed and posted. Under “Latest Spam,” it also says “no results found.” These messages go away after a while. But while they’re there, next to those messages is the option to “Delete all.” I’m wondering what happens if I click that. I’m reluctant to do so with a legitimate comment because I’m afraid it could nuke the comment I just sent through. But I also wonder if it would help or hurt Akismet’s ability to “learn” in any way. Anyone know what happens when you click that?

    [1] Interestingly, though, I notice it has only blocked comments containing links, with the number unrelated to the number I have set to trigger moderation.

  • Can you please define “go away after a little while”? I know when I click on the Delete All or Modify or whatever I’m doing, the next load still has the count up there. That’s because the admin header loads first before anything occurs with the database. One the next load, the counts are correct.

    At least for me.

  • Hmmm, well, this blog is still quite new, so I’m not getting much spam at all yet. So, if I understand “next load” correctly, I usually don’t have occasion (yet) to deal with more spam right on the heals of the last. But by “goes away after a little while,” I mean that the count of “1” and the messages showing the option to “delete all” remain for maybe 30 minutes or so when I click on “comments” –> “Akismet spam.” After that they are gone and I get the correct count of “0” and don’t get those messages giving me the option to “delete all.”

    [edit] So I’m wondering what will happen if I click “delete all” during that 30 minute window when there’s actually no spam (or legit comment) in there. Since it’s showing a count of “1” spam at that point, I’m concerned there’s an outside chance it could nuke the legit comment I’d previously despamed and sent through. If not, might it help in some say, such as with Akismet “learning”? :-/

  • I’ve done that, and it only deletes the comments still in Spam. Seems safe so far…

    But I have a possibly related question. I go to Dashboard and then Comments and it says Akismet Spam 21 or whatever number, but when I go to Akismet, there are no comments there. When I go back to Comments, it says Akismet 0. Did I do something in the meantime to delete those comments? Do they automatically get wiped every day?

  • Not everyday no….every 15 days. I know that if you delete them and go back sometimes it still has the number that used to be there (for a short period of time) and then does what happened to you and comes up as 0 when you click on it. Strange….


  • I just logged in now and there’s no spam when I usually have pages. It’s empty. I would send in a feedback like last time but it’s the weekend and they don’t answer feedback.

  • Hey, now I have them. All 127 of them. Thanks!

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