stow theme – button color after clicking

  • Hi I have a Coaching page on my unpublished WordPress site with a Personal plan.

    Not sure what Page Template that I used, but the button whether I choose FILL or OUTLINE once clicked on results in a solid dark blue bar, which can’t be right.

    How can I get the button with the text to reappear after clicking on it? Thanks! <— WP staff may only be able to see it as it unpublished in draft form at the moment

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi,

    I obtained the same result that you describe when clicking the button on page However, I also found that after clicking it the button can be restored to its normal appearance by reloading the page. Nevertheless, the behavior seems a bit odd. I’ll call for staff attention to see if they have an insight or suggestions regarding that behavior of the button on Stow.

  • Correction:

    “if they have any insights or suggestions”

  • Hello there,

    I’ve taken a look at this and it looks like this may be a bug, which has been hard to replicate, specifically with the Stow theme.

    I’ve employed a temporary fix in the form of CSS that should hopefully help with this.

    Can you confirm you’re seeing that change please?

  • Hi aleone89 thank you, no sorry it is still returning a solid coloured button.

  • So I’m not sure what I did, but I added a new button. I wanted to see if I didn’t change any configurations and left the Button at default settings, if it would work properly.

    I left the original button there. Then I checked to see only one button, the original on the Preview page. Don’t know why my new button didn’t appear. Maybe something funny happened because of the template with the columns I was using.

    Maybe I triggered the “button” titled “Book a Discovery Call” to work now, because it is working now. I changed its background colour to purple though. It settings are Size = large, Padding = 1, Border radius = 3 and Style is Fill and Width is 25 —- if you must know, haha.

  • Here’s a snapshot of what the Edit page (code) looks like. I uploaded it to Google Drive, weird as it shows a button with “Add text” below the button in purple that is working.

    But I’m not sure why this greyed out ghostly “add text” button block is there – in the Edit – and not on the live page!

    Edit view for Coaching page

  • Hi there,

    But I’m not sure why this greyed out ghostly “add text” button block is there – in the Edit – and not on the live page!

    It is sometimes the case that if a block is left in it’s default state (i.e. you have not added text) that it does not appear on the live site, even if it’s visible in the editor. This is true of empty paragraph blocks as well. For this reason the button does not show on the live site if you add the button but do not edit it. If you add text to the button in place of the greyed-out placeholder text does the button then appear correctly on the site?

    Also thank you for testing if a standard button has the same issue. Out of curiosity is this the same incorrect behavior wether the button is set to fill or outline style? Thanks for the additional info!

  • Thank you totoro. I checked out the greyed out Button – it is at default settings so I added the text “Pay here” and linked it to something. Then published the page and the button is working as it should.

    Here’s a link to a screenshot of the original problem with the booking button returning a solid colour (it’s in my Google Drive).

    I used the “About” page layout for the Stow theme (the one showing Cassel as the demo person the page is about). I had fiddled with the column settings because I wanted a wider width for the main text.

    Sorry if aleone89 needed the original coding that produced the error and didn’t capture it as since then the Code must have changed, with me changing things again as described above, though I don’t know exactly what I did to make the button not return solid blue.

    I had made the Button background powder blue but then realised my site background was powder blue too, so I changed the background color of the Discovery call button to purple. I have no idea if these colorations impacted the button going solid.

    The recalcitrant button returned solid blue hiding the text, in the first place, no matter whether I used Fill or Outline for the button!

    Many thanks for your interest and help. Celine

    Button returned solid – Stow theme

  • The recalcitrant button returned solid blue hiding the text, in the first place, no matter whether I used Fill or Outline for the button!

    Button returned solid – Stow theme

    When I tested the button again a few hours ago I was still getting the solid royal blue bar after clicking the button. However, it’s now working correctly for me. The button remains unchanged, with the text and purple background intact, after each click on it. Has someone delivered a fix?

  • Hello there,

    When I tested the button again a few hours ago I was still getting the solid royal blue bar after clicking the button. However, it’s now working correctly for me.

    I am seeing the workaround employed working currently, even when “Outline” is selected for the button options.

    The button is currently set to Fill.

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