Storage Space

  • Hi,

    I have a question about my blog. I used up the 3 GB space probably by uploading full resolution pictures and not realizing that it would take so much space. If I upgrade to premium to get the 15 GB space, how can I add more space eventually? I figure in about maybe 3 years I would perhaps be finished with the 15 GB (although maybe longer if I can figure out how to upload pictures with less resolution). Would I eventually have to pay the highest upgrade to get unlimited storage? Or is there anything you can pay for each year to add a bit more storage?

    I was thinking of switching to Blogger as it is free but I am nervous that one day it could be deleted by Google as I don’t own the website.

    The purpose of my blog is really just to jot down my thoughts for my children/grandchildren and myself down the line. I am not interested in getting other viewers to read it although that’s fine if they do. It’s more like an online photo album where I post pictures, videos (right now I would upload from youtube as I don’t know if I could use the storage for videos), recipes, hymns, etc.

    Any information would be greatly appreciated!


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Laura,

    Have you looked over the support document for Image Optimization. It could greatly benefit you.

    Optimize Your Images Premium includes another 10 GB of extra storage, for a total of 13 GB. Business includes unlimited storage space. I do not believe there is any add on of sorts if you should reach the 13 GB space limit on Premium. See here for more information:

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