Stopping an Image from Scrolling

  • Hi there,

    This is a bit complicated to explain, but if you visit my website ( on a desktop, you’ll likely see a tree on the left hand side of the homepage. I’ve done this by adding this text to my sidebar:

    However, you’ll also notice that as you scroll down, the tree will also follow you down. Just out of curiosity, is there any way to make it so that the tree will not follow you as you scroll down, but will still initially appear in the same location?


    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Oh…it just changed the text into an image. Oops. There’s < a> and < /a> opening/closing tags but it’s:

    style=”display: scroll; position: fixed; bottom: 53px; left: 5px;” title=”Adventure Party!”>

  • oh…still appearing as an image. Oops, sorry, not sure how to work around this.

  • Hi @torres126.

    Try changing your postition to absolute instead of fixed. That should load the tree in the same spot, but the tree will stick to that spot and not scroll with the page.

    <a style="display:scroll;position: absolute;bottom:53px;left:5px;" title="Adventure Party!"><img class="" src="" width="119" height="162"></a>

  • Thank you, works perfectly! :)

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