Stay theme: sidebars

  • The Stay theme has a Primary & Secondary sidebar that appear on Pages. I can access the Secondary Sidebar through Appearance-Customise or Appearance-Widgets, but the Primary Sidebar doesn’t appear at all in Customise, and while it appears in Widgets, it doesn’t show the one widget that is in there by default (Search) so I can’t remove it.

    Is there a way to do this please?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @unboundedchurch!

    The Primary Sidebar will only appear on pages that use that sidebar (the home page does not).

    If you open My Site > Customize you can use the links on the site preview to navigate to a different page on the site, like About.

    Once on this page, you’ll see option under Widgets for both sidebars.

    The search item in the left hand sidebar is a default widget. It appears there when there’s nothing else in the sidebar – it will disappear when you start adding your own widgets in that space :)

  • Hi Chad, thanks. I actually wanted to take the Search out so the sidebar would disappear – I refer the sidebar on the right. But I seem unable to do that.

    No matter, I can remove it in CSS (I have the Design Upgrade) using Display:none.

    Thanks again.

  • I see you ‘ve removed the left search widget with your Custom CSS – which is the best way to go on that one :)

    If you are trying to remove it from the sidebar on the right, follow these steps:

    • Open My Site > Customize
    • Click on the link to your About page (or any other page where you can see the widget)
    • In the Customizer Menu, click on Widgets > Primary Sidebar
    • Open the Search Widget and click Remove

    It sounds like you may already have it as you want it but I wanted to make sure :)

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