Stats page, under views: listing a link to my own stats page

  • Hi all,

    On my Stats page, at top left, in the section “posts and pages” there is a link showing up as a number preceded by a hashtag, when I click on that it takes me to my own stats page.

    How is this possible? My own clicks to my stats pages should not be recorded. So this leads me to think that someone has unauthorized access to my stats page.

    I am using Opera browser, fully updated, on Windows 10 (in case this data is relevant).

    Responses much appreciated,

    Mabel A.

  • Screenshot of issue:

    So to resume: does a third party have access to my stats page? If not, why are my own clicks recorded?
    I though WP does not register the author’s own clicks on their own links, as logged in.

  • Thank you justjennifer for marking this post “staff assistance”.

  • Hi there,

    Your own views are not being counted and no one else have access to your stats. Clicks and views of the stats page itself is not recorded or tracked anywhere on our system.

    The two stats you indicate in your screen shot refer to two completely different things.

    The first link you indicated is showing the number of views for a post you published on 15 August. It looks like you published that post without a title, which is why it’s showing the post ID instead. The post in question is this one:

    The Author module of the stats page shows views of posts per author. So, every time someone views a post that was written by you, a view is added under your author stat. On sites with multiple authors that stat can show which author is getting the most views of their posts, but as you are the only author on your site only your posts are listed there.

  • Hello Kokkieh,

    Thank you so much for your swift response!

    Your explanation is perfectly lucid – I get the picture now.

    Have a great day :)


    Mabel Amber

  • Glad I could help :)

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