Stats page not loading properly but hanging with loading animation forever

  • When I visit the stats page of my blog, the graph that normally shows site views per day does not load, but instead the flash (or whatever it is) element just hangs on the loading symbol forever, the little WordPress symbol/wheel spinning round and round. It’s been like this for a few days. Not sure how to fix it.
    Blog url:

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • We’ve just resolved this issue. Can you please try clearing out your cache?

  • Mine, too.
    A temporary “fix” is to toggle between the days and weeks display. Hit “Weeks” first, then back to “days”.
    It should load properly.

    Again, this has been happening with my blog, too. No idea why…?

  • The temporary fix does work, but it still begs the question – why doesn’t it work to begin with?

    I cleared my cache and it made no difference.

    Spoke to other WP bloggers and they are reporting the same problem, so I don’t think you HAVE resolved the issue, as you claim kardotim :S

  • This started happening this morning for me. But for the last week or so, my stats say for example, that 12 people have viewed my post for that day and I have 17 likes and from going to their blogs I know they are from countries not even showing up in my stats????
    Today, posted my blog 40 minutes ago, have 3 or 4 likes and my stats say no one has come to my blog and the graph showed 5 before I posted today’s post. What’s up with that? Help.

  • I just wanted to report the week/day workaround for the “At a Glance” graph. Yep, that works… but only on that page! Trying to show stats for a single post still gives the eternal spinning icon, and here there are no other options to toggle between.

  • This is so lame. Gonna have to switch to another provider if this carries on much longer. Intolerable! Why can’t they just fix it?

  • @patriceclarkson
    There are several different ways that readers can start following your blog.

    Your blog followers is the sum of the following:

    • blog followers
    • Any followers from connected Publicize services (Facebook, Twitter, Messenger Connect, Yahoo!, or LinkedIn), which you can check in Settings -> Sharing

    Go to your site stats page and click Totals, Followers & Shares

    Click the Blog link under the number and the Site Stats » My Followers page will open. Click the Email Followers link.

    A follower can click the “like” button without visiting your blog and creating a page view stat.

    • A follower can click the “like” button when viewing your posts in the Readomatic reader on the home page of
    • A follower can click the “like” button when viewing your posts on the Topics pages.
    • A follower can click the “like” button when viewing your posts when using an app.
    • An email subscriber can click the “like” button in the email they receive of your new posts without visiting your blog.

    P.S. To compel readers to click into my blog to read the full post I have set my RSS Feed to “summary” on this page > Settings > Reading

  • @cnahr


    Your issue hasn’t been lost and is flagged for Staff attention.

  • This is day 2 of that little wheel spinning without stop on my stats page.But I can get my stats as usual. Tonight, however, I couldn’t get the lit-up notification icon to respond when clicked. Went to the “notification” spelled-out link (next to freshly pressed etc. and got the contents.

    Can you fix the icon for me so it doesn’t spin forever. Thanks

  • I have the same problem. It seems all of these “improvements” that WP has been implementing of late are causing nothing but problems.

  • I have cleared my cache and it makes no difference.

    This is the second full day of the “spinning wheel”, no stats bars and a non-functional notification tab on my stats page.

    I have updated Java, Flash and FF. I’ve cleared cookies and cache multiple times. No matter which browser I use (IE, FF) it’s still a problem.

  • @timethief Thanks, eagerly waiting for a fix. :)

  • The temporary fix mentioned above works. This is not a problem with cache or cookies or browsers. Tried two different computers, two different browsers, cleared cache etc – makes no difference. This must be a WordPress problem. The buck remains with WordPress to fix.

  • Same problem for me too – please can you sort??!!
    Constant spinning wheel when trying to open stats page – I see the info in my dashboard but still want access to the full stats page.
    I’ve cleared caches & cookies – not helped.

  • I have the same issue. The problem persists on my iPad, my MacBook but everything is dandy on my iPhone. The issue of not being able to read comments in the little orange notification area is with me too on both devices.

  • The previously mentioned workaround works for me (toggle between days/weeks) but I’m also seeing this same in Firefox 13.

  • Workaround unfortunately does not apply to stats for an individual post or page (as opposed to day/week/month), those are still merrily spinning forever…

  • <Anakin> It’s working! It’s working! </Anakin>

    Thanks for the fix, everything seems to work again here. :)

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