stats on Pages

  • I’ve seen them a grand total of five times. :)

  • Yes, but how many times have your visitors seen them? As far as I understand the topic, WP tries to make them invisible to logged in persons and regular readers, so the mainly affects first time visitors.

    I would any time prefer to see my blog, as the visitors do! .. other wise I don´t know what I am doing! regarding layout, images, e.t.c … When I do not know where the ads are, and how they look.

  • @ anne1024
    What you said is only partly true. In fact, it’s only wordpress bloggers who are logged in to wordpress at the time, who cannot see the ads when they are running on the blogs.

    Bloggers at have the benefit of the tag pages and that drives traffic to their blogs. As is our blog host we do not have to hire a web host. We have excellent free support and traffic free of charge. Moreover, we simply blog and leave the “geekery” to staff.

    Bloggers at, who can have as much advertising as they want on their blogs, do not have access to the tag pages and consequently don’t get that traffic. They have to either be geeky enough to self host their own blogs or reach into their pockets and pay a web host.

    Also note that drmike and the bloggers do not make policy.

    When these matters were discussed in the past on this forum one nightmareish blogger, who wants to run adsense ads on his blogs here (like the others he has hosted elsewhere and the ones on posted multiple threads on the adsense subject became downright nasty to me and made even troll posts.

    If you type “adsense” into the forum search box and read the threads you will appreciate what I’m talking about and maybe even think twice about trying to stir these smoldering embers.

  • But to return to the topic of this thread:


    Did you know that shiny stats, sitemeter and statscounter are all free and they do provide this information?

    I don´t know about the other two, but I copied this from Site Meter’s instruction on adding Site Meter to a WP blog:

    Unfortunately, does not allow you to add the javascript version of Site Meter to your pages. That means you won’t be able to track the original URL from which your visitors came before linking to your site. Other things that Site Meter won’t be able to track about your visitors include time zones, keywords, search engines used, screen resolution, screen depth or javascript version.

  • Anne 1024,
    You are not telling me anything I do not already know. :)
    I do use sitemeters and here’s an example of 1 reader’s visit to one of my blogs
    Domain Name ? (Canada)
    IP Address 69.158.182.# (Bell Canada)
    ISP Bell Canada
    Continent : North America
    Country : Canada (Facts)
    State/Region : Ontario
    City : Thornhill
    Lat/Long : 43.8, -79.4167 (Map)
    Language unknown
    Operating System Microsoft WinXP
    Browser Firefox 2.0
    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20061204 Firefox/
    Javascript disabled
    Time of Visit Jan 28 2007 4:10:10 pm
    Last Page View Jan 28 2007 4:15:15 pm
    Visit Length 5 minutes 5 seconds
    Page Views 5
    Referring URL unknown
    Visit Entry Page
    Visit Exit Page
    Out Click
    Time Zone unknown
    Visitor’s Time Unknown
    Visit Number 33,384
    As well as the foregoing I get weekly reports like this one:
    Total ……………………
    Average per Day ……………..
    Average Visit Length ……….
    This Week ………………….
    Page Views
    Total ……………………
    Average per Day ……………..
    Average per Visit …………..
    This Week ………………….
    Granted because I can’t have the javascrpipt version of sitemeter I don’t know the referring url and visitor’s time zones. But from my point of view this is not a great loss as I’m not stats fixated.
    Also I have wordpress stats from the beta program that provide me with the search engine and search string information.
    This explains why javascript is stripped on this multi-user blogging platform. In a nutshell if it were allowed and I hacked into just one such embed I could access every one of the 600,000 blogs.
    I am happy with the free service I get from both and from sitemeter. :)

  • Yes, the details you shows are very detailed.

    However, I am not so interested in details about <i>visitors</i> (as long as they are Danish) but more which <i>pages</i> are being read … if at all, since I am trying to/planning to upload information of utility to Danes who wish to study in or visit Australia – and would like to know if anyone finds/reads the pages, and if so, which is more popular… and that kind.

    However… I await the beta version.

    I am happy about the free services too; I am just trying to identify the right tool.

  • anne
    Stop and think. We the users of are the beta community. is is home base where the features are rolled out. Be an optimist. Look forward to April being a month where we get good news about the stats program. :)

  • Aha, sounds like I am complaining too much…

    Well that is not my intention

  • Just for reference, I look at a couple hundred pages a day around here while logged out and I’ve seen adverts about five times in as many months.

    Something to thinnk about. If was making real money off of the adverts, don’t you think we’d be seeing them a whole lot more?

  • I’ve decided that the adsense ads wordpress is running isn’t an important issue for me anymore. The way I came to this conclusion was to check blogs out from two internet places on my island and in the city without signing in. I checked six times at three different locations over a 2 month period and only saw ads on blogs twice.

    IMO wordpress is the best blogging technology available. I notice the furious pace at which our beloved geeks have been firing out improvements and features. They are responsive to user input.
    One could shrivel up and die waiting for support at Blogger, I know that because I escaped from there. Without doubt our support here at is excellent and the turn-around time when it comes to getting answers is without rival in the blogosphere.
    The tag pages are also outstanding.
    As far as the blog stats goes I’m prepared to be pleasantly surprised. :)

  • My guess would be that they only put the ads on high traffic pages. It would make sense.

    The support response time is great, and there’s always new features coming out.

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