Stats numbers don’t match

  • For some reason my view count is 5+ more than the actual views I’m seeing on my blog posts. I know it’s not the difference in visitor and view counts. For every new view of one of my posts, the overall count goes up by five. Can someone fix this so it’s more accurate please?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @jenseggio, could you send links to the two sets of numbers you’re comparing, so we can see what you’re seeing? Or, get a screenshot and upload it to your media library, then update us here. Thanks in advance.

  • Ok, here are the links to the screenshots. The first two indicate there’s 43 views, but the second one, which shows which posts were viewed, total 38.

  • Hi there,

    This is happening because there are many views that aren’t tied to a post or page. The front pages, category, tag, date, and author archive pages, and search result pages are all examples of other views that only count towards total views.

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