Stats not working in dashboard

  • Hi,

    Every time I go to try and see the visitors and feed stats in the dashboard, the chart fails and displays and error that it has timed out (-1)

    Any help would be appreciated.


  • Double check your install of Flash. That error has occured before and it’s been either because they had a much too old version of Flash or it’s not been installed at all.

    Hope this helps,

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the reply. I’ve checked the version of the flash install I’m using and it’s the latest version (8).
    Is there anything else I could look into?


  • What browser are you using? OS? Version numbers as well please.

    Latest version is You might want to check it to make sure that you are using the latest version.

    I know I see that message on a terminal when Flash and JavaScript is not installed and I am locked out of installing them.

  • Hi. I had the same exact problem and gave up after a while. I can view it on all my machines except one. So on that one, I use Firefox and all is fine. It’s some combination of something that is giving you trouble. Try looking at the stats in firefox and see if it works.

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