Stats keep changing in my stats

  • A while ago I commented that when I look at my total views for the month they sometimes change. ( We wondered if it could have been because I mainly checked them on the first of the month.
    I’ve kept an occasional eye on the stats, and have just noticed it has happened again. Only 3 out of 23 months were the same when I compared the results with the last time I recorded them (21 December 2015) and today. For example on the 21 December 2015, my stats said I had 6633 views in Jan 2015 and 7231 views in Feb 2015. Today it says that I had 6602 views in Jan 2015 and 7242 views In Feb 2015.
    In December it said I had a total views of 79130 for 2014 but today it said I had a total views of 79161.
    It’s not a big issue, I’m just curious to know why it is happening.
    I’ve uploaded the stats I’ve kept, and a screen shot of the stats page I mean, into my media library.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • I think I might have worked out what is going on.
    I noticed a whole lot of my daily stats have changed as well. My most number of views was in March for 624. But my stats are now saying on that day I had 629 views.
    I wonder if it was because on April 1, we changed back from Daylight Savings Time (I’m in Australia). This could change the 24 hour period for each day by a little bit and it could explain why the stats change occasionally by a little bit. What do you think?

  • I just had closer look at some records I kept when trying to work out. While we were in the same time period (i.e., daylight saving or not) the numbers were consistent, and changes happened after moving to or from daylight saving.

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