Stats in the historical record keep changing

  • Thanks folks. My best guess so far, since you both check stats on the first morning of each month, is that they aren’t finalized yet when you’re viewing those numbers. That would explain why the discrepancy is off by just a tiny percentage of your total views.

    I am also guessing that if you check your numbers now, then again this time next month, they will all be the same. If one of you would like to test and follow up on that, I can start a thread via email and follow up in a month.

  • I matched a new spread sheet exactly to the Nov 4 numbers – Oct seems to be unchanged (as of yesterday anyway) – I would think things should have settled down 8 hours into a day

    I can try and take a bit of a look once in a while and see if something changes


  • I just had a look at the stats are exactly the same as 1 November.
    I’ll also keep an eye on them and see what happens.

  • Thank you both. Do you want to start a new private thread so we have a place to follow up without leaving this thread open to spammers who like to throw notes on longer threads?

  • Keeping spammers out would be nice – your option – and you could reopen this in the future if there is a final report or something on what is happening – I suspect that not many people track things to the detail they would see a 6 count difference 6 months ago ( I noticed the issue when the yer totals did not match )


  • Alright, I’ve emailed @sustainingcommunity and will close this thread. And auxclass, you know how to get in touch if you’ve got more info to add to this.

    My takeaway suggestion for now is to check your monthly stats on the 2nd of each month so you’ll have a nice final count. Cheers!

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