Stats in the historical record keep changing

  • I like the table in the old stats which show the historical number of views for the month, the average views per month and the number of views per day for the past 5 or 6 weeks.

    I’ve noticed the number of views for the month keep changing.
    For example on 1 June 2015, it said I had
    7711 views in March 2014,
    79,161 views for all of 2014
    10,027 views for March 2015.

    Today it is saying that I have
    7704 views in March 2014,
    79,130 views for all of 2014
    10,028 views for March 2015.

    Anybody have any ideas why they might keep changing?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @sustainingcommunity, do you happen to have a screenshot of that or did you copy the code over? We can have our data team take a look but it would be helpful to know the source of the older numbers.

    Also, you mention the old stats. Can you send a link to the stats page you’re referring to? Thanks in advance.

  • Common for stats to change after a few months – I usually clean up that changes in January when the page view counts change and the total page views does not match – if it was one or two months I would chalk it up to my bad eyes – but about half the numbers change – usually no more than 4 to 7 views – all my totals are transferred at least 8 hours after midnight – so the stats should have caught up

    Been a feature for a few years

  • Not a screen shot – but see the stats scan in my Media Library – 7 months so far this year have changed numbers – the yellow highlight are the changes – I wrote the numbers down on the sheet – as I said above one or two months might be my eyes – but 7 months is a trend of some sort

  • A screenshot would be most helpful if you’ve got that. Can you also help me understand how often these stats are changing for you?

    @auxclass, did you write down all of these numbers on a particular date, or do you tally them at the end of each month?

    Are you both using the view=table type of link?

  • I used the link I gave above for the numbers – all were written down about 8 hours after the end of each month – local – Pacific time

  • all were written down about 8 hours after the end of each month – local – Pacific time

    I’d be curious as to whether they would be any different after, say, 48 hours, and whether that number would be final. Would you happen to have noticed for October?

  • October is unchanged at this time – I never paid much attention to when they change – I noticed this some time back and figured it was a “feature” and just plan to go back and fine tune thing

  • OK, one more question:

    When these stats changed, did they all change at once? Or do they each change after so many days into the month or something?

  • Sorry I don’t know when they changed, nor do I know if they jumped all at once or one at a time

  • Alright. Thanks for that. Keep an eye on October’s stats too and let me know whether they jump for you later.

    I’m guessing there could have been something that was fixed that would adjust the stats once, just by a few views as noted here.

    If it keeps happening, or if we can get more info, we’ll dig deeper.

  • It’s been going on for at least two years – seems to me last year not every month was affected. The differences vary – a couple of the differences this year seemed to be a bit much from what I can remember last year – as well as seven months all in a row this year

  • see the Excell Spreadsheet I just uploaded (Month Stats) – look at 2013 for a few changes from the sheet to what is totaled today – I did not look at earlier years – since the 2014 numbers match I assume that I went back an fine tuned the numbers

  • Thanks. We’ll wait here for @sustainingcommunity’s input too.

  • You be welcome – hope it helps a bit

    the “feature” is a bit annoying since I do some graphing to show traffic from year to year -the Death of Quantcast some time back made comparing year to year real poor with your toy stats – so I had to build some new spread sheets to see year over year data – while the number changes are not large – (looks like 2 to 15 page views a month -still a bit odd)

  • No problem. We’ll just gather as much info as possible then run it by our stats team.

  • Sorry for my slow response, I’ve been caught up with other work. The page I’m referring to is

    So yes it is the view=table link.

    I noticed something was strange one time so started to copy them every now and again. I have a look at my last months stats at the start of each month (normally the morning of the first of the month). Sometimes there is no change and sometimes there is.

    I keep track by copying and pasting into an excel spread sheet when I see a change. When I noticed some changes I compared what I had recorded over the 16 months with what the worpdress table said.

    On 1 May 2015 my records showed the following number of views (Sorry I’m not sure how to format it better):

    2014 2015
    January 3,412 6633
    February 4,589 7231
    March 7,704 10028
    April 8,530 10971
    May 6,250
    June 4,849
    July 5,155
    August 7,209
    September 8,406
    October 8,937
    November 8,305
    December 5786

    In the wordpress table (from the link above) on the same day it showed:
    2014 2015
    January 3,414 6,602
    February 4,588 7,242
    March 7,711 10,027
    April 8,530 10,971
    May 6,250
    June 4 ,849
    July 5,155
    August 7,209
    September 8,406
    October 8,937
    November 8,298
    December 5,814

    I didn’t notice any changes over the next few months but on 1 November 2015, there were quite a few changes (some of which reverted to my records)
    2014 2015
    January 3,412 6,633
    February 4,589 7,231
    March 7,704 10,028
    April 8,535 10,972
    May 6,255 8,482
    June 4,840 7,275
    July 5,155 7,553
    August 7,212 8,420
    September 8,400 9,785
    October 8,937 11,076
    November 8,305
    December 5,786

    How can I upload the excel spreadsheet and screen?

    I can’t tell you when they change, I only compare them at the start of the month. I’ll try to keep an eye on it for a while.

    Sorry again for my slow response.
    Thanks for following it up

  • You can put Excel Spreadsheets in your Media Library, same with screen shots – the staff can retrieve them from the library –

    Uploading should be something like – – Media >> Add New >> Upload >> should be able to drag and drop

  • Thanks auxclass.
    I’ve added a screen shot and the excel spreadsheet (the relevant worksheet is Changes) to my media files.

  • You be welcome – that will give the stats group a bit more to scratch their heads over


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