Stat’s graph problem

  • In the last 10 minutes my stats graph (on my stats page, not the dashboard) has developed a problem. It displays from December 7 to about midday on January 2 – the rest has vanished.

    Note: this is not due to anything I’ve done – it was fine earlier – and yes, I’m on today’s page; nor do I have too large a font set. I’m using Firefox 3 and Google Gears is enabled. Any ideas anyone?

  • Sorry, misleading. when I said “today’s page” I meant the main stat’s page. I can’t, of course, actually access the page solely devoted to today.

  • Ha! Hitting Ctrl+ repeatedly, taking me to a higher magnification than normal, I’ve got it back. Very strange.

  • Fixed it – somehow my font settings had been over-ridden, allowing pages to choose their own fonts. Resetting it to my choice has solved the problem. This, of itself, is still a mystery – no-one else uses my machine, and I hadn’t touched it since setting up Firefox. More FF3 weirdness, I suppose

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