Stats, ‘Email’ section

  • In the ‘Stats’ section, I see box labels ‘Emails’, beside the ‘videos’ section and beneath ‘authors’ ‘search terms’ and ‘clicks’. I’m unclear what this is measuring and unable to find an article that explains this metric. Even the Jetpack Stats overview doesn’t appear to mention the email metric. Can someone please explain for me? Yes
    Jetpack: No
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there!

    The Email section in the stats will show how many people read emails sent from your site. This is especially useful when you create a custom newsletter and want to know how it’s doing :)

    Launch a Newsletter
    4 min read
    This guide will show you how to launch a newsletter website on In minutes, you will have a beautiful landing page to host and share your writing, plus all the tools you need to grow your audience of subscribers. Create a Newsletter With Start a New Newsletter Website By creating a newsletter on, you will have a website to share your writing

    I hope that helps!

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