Stats dropped approx 10,000 for 1 week and counting

  • A few months ago my stats dropped about 70,000 for several days then went back to where the seemed they should be. Since about the time of the stats page change a week or so ago, this blog dropped about 10,000 to approx 100,000 hits. It then began counting from the newly reduced number.

    I am interested in knowing what my real stats are, and perhaps what I can do to correct them. I am on Firefox 3. on 2007 mac notebook for this blog.

    Thanks for addressing my ignorance!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • We generally always need a link to the blog, starting with http. Also, have you seen the other threads in the forum on the issue?

  • i think this happened the same with me…im thinking i lost like about 40.000 hits…

  • I ( lost about 45,000 hits from the stats counter about a week ago. There are other threads about it somewhere and I think (hope) the WordPress team is currently looking into it.

    To see your real stats, go to your Dashboard, then click on ‘Blog Stats’, then down the bottom of that page click on ‘Summary Tables’.

  • me ( sure up to how many hits lost…my 40,00 is just an estimate..i was thinking maybe they are doing some changes…

  • A lot of pageviews were lost from my blog stats too. I think it has something to do with the new way stats work – synchronized with the account’s time settings, probably there are some hours missing from each day of the stats.

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