Stats don't mach – Referrals vs. Page Views

  • A few minutes ago I found what seems to be a major page view under count.

    Had 17 referrals from Three Sheets NW but only 5 page views show in my stats, and I am also not seeing any picture views for the Post. The post in question is below.

    Seems to me a major under count, I normally use the classic stats but I also looked in the flashy stats and the same results


    Quick Lighthouse Tour – Nine Lighthouses Viewed From The Water In 4 1/2 Hours!

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Ahoy, Mike. Long time :)

    Had 17 referrals from Three Sheets NW but only 5 page views show in my stats

    The most likely explanation is that the visitors who reached your site from that post are using a browser add-on or a built-in browser setting that blocks us from recording their views. Use of add-ons like that are becoming more and more common, and the anti-tracking tools built into browser themselves are also becoming more comprehensive, and unfortunately there’s not anything we can do about that. We can only log the data a browser sends us.

    I did test visiting your site from that post on my end, and both a referrer stat and a view stat was recorded for me immediately, so the stats are being recorded properly when nothing is blocking that data.

    I am also not seeing any picture views for the Post.

    Keep in mind that you’ll only see picture views if someone clicked on a gallery image to view it in the carousel – there’s no guarantee those visitors ever did that. But again, if they’re using tracking-blocking in their browser, we also won’t be able to record those views.

    Checking from my end, all my carousel views are being recorded in your stats, so that also appears to be working fine.

  • Yes – been a while – dealing with some tough stuff and has me not as active as the past – thanks for checking

    The page views being blocked by add ins is not so good – seems to me your fancy tech folks should be able to figure something out since I would think you should be able to detect when a page is loaded – even if the tracking and such is not able to be done – I don’t have ads on my site so the only “payment” I get is seeing that someone is actually looking at an article

    Thanks again for checking & maybe ask the fancy programming folks if they can’t figure something out

    Take care – hope all is going well your way – should be several years now at Autommatic (sp?)

  • We wish it were so simple. :(

    We’re dealing with browser add-ons specifically designed to block trackers, and everyone in the industry is having trouble with that, even Google Analytics.

    Overall, keep in mind that people _are_ visiting your site. :)

  • Hi James

    Guess it is some sort of war between developers – but it would be nice to get credit for a page view – I also would think this is making ad revenue harder to do accurately – some sites also have a bunch of pop-ups – my stock Firefox tends to block the worst of them

    I can in this case see the referral traffic so I know I am still getting visitors and yes I am glad that I am still able to share boating information and safe boating things with people from around the world

    Two or three years back a friend was visiting relatives in Canada and one of the people he was visiting was in the RCMP Marine Patrol and was doing training for the unit. He told my friend that he had found this great site to help with training (many of the new recruits have never seen a boat or been in one, so lots of training required) – anyway – went on about this site he had found – so my friend ask what the site was – and when it was loaded – it turned out to b my site!!! Friend said words to the effect that he knew the site owner and such – so small world I guess

    Thanks for the help – hope the earthquakes didn’t do anything much to you othr than get your attention

    Take care and have a safe and happy holiday season (you to Kokkieh also)

    Thanks again for the help

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