stats are having serious issues

  • all of a sudden 200 countries were visiting my website since the beginning but in november all of a sudden stopped Yes
    Jetpack: Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to moderators and staff)

  • Hi @yedavoiceblue, I still see you’re getting quite a bit of traffic, so the tools that measure visits are probably okay, but it is a drop from what you had recently.

    I took a look around the stats page and noticed a few things:

    • Several of your emails are going out without titles. Is that intentional? Are you being sure to set a post title when you write on the blog? I’d recommend using a title, and adding just a few tags as well.
    • Is there any chance you had some viral content that’s settling down a bit? Try clicking through on each month here and pay attention to what changes in the referrers section. Some sites that were bringing clicks in September aren’t on the list at all in November, for example.

    Let us know your thoughts!

  • The stats on my podcast are very close to my website stats , and the listeners are subscribers, and it must be a WordPress issue, but thank you any way.

  • @yedavoiceblue I noticed the podcast site doesn’t show up in referrers for the last while. Is it still linking to your site?

  • Sweetie nevermind. You were helpful. But stats are complex I work 18h per day on my 4 podcasts and it’s complicated to explain 🙃 thank you for being so nice.

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