Stats are frozen

  • Since midnight I have had 1 visitor (according to stats). Since the hours leading up to were active, I checked by browsing via my smartphone. Not logged in. Different IP (Much different because I am logged in through my VPN)

    No visits registered.

    Is there maintenance going on? Is there someplace status is published? Or a maintenance schedule published? Or what?

    This is not a critical issue – since I have been trying to avoid looking at the stats. But it should work.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there,

    I viewed your site on mobile and your stats updated normally for me, so I don’t see anything wrong here.

    What might have happened is that we were still able to detect the login cookie in your mobile browser, so the views were still excluded as logged-in.

    There’s also a slight lag in stats sometimes, so it won’t always update immediately when there is a view.

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