
  • Hi, Many times my stats show wrong data. Even when there are views (likes and comments) on a particular blogpost, stats show 0 views. This has happened for my last post on 2 days- Feb 10th and 13th. On 10th there was 1 comment and 1 like. on 13 (till now ) there is one like. But stats shows 0 views. Why this discrepancy? Yes
    Correct account: Yes

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there! I had a quick look at your site. Was this in relation to the post titled “Friends in my garden- 71”?

    It looks like there are indeed views on the 10th for it. On the 13th, it’s possible that the one like came from someone who was viewing your blog page in general. As per the stats guide, if the visitor liked your post from your general Blog page, this would not enter the stats:

  • The topic ‘Stats’ is closed to new replies.