Spun Theme Font Size

  • Hello, I try to increase the font size of my blog. I used this code :

    span {font-size:3em }

    but, strangely, it change the line height and do nothing on the font-size.

    The code of every text indicate

    <span style="font-size:small;" but I don’t know how to “overwrite” it.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • When you have access to custom CSS as you do, it’s not necessary to apply inline CSS to your content — that’s one of its major benefits. For example, you’ve added the colour black to your posts manually – that’s not necessary and makes it harder to tweak the colour later.

    Instead, a few lines of custom CSS would accomplish the same thing:

    .entry-content {
      color: #000000;

    Could you explain exactly what you’re trying to do so I can give you the best method for accomplishing it?

    Are you adding a few sentences within a post and you want to make them bigger?

    If so, then this is what you’d do in your post

    <p class="largetext">My large paragraph here. My large paragraph here. My large paragraph here. </p>

    And in your custom CSS:

    .largetext {
      font-size: 3em;
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