Spun Theme: Circle Colour or Photo

  • Been trying to set up a simple site to host some PDF links.

    I like the circles on Spun, and I like the opacity. But at the moment I can’t for the life of me change the colour.

    When I hover over them, they fill to a grey colour.

    I had been tinkering with the CSS. And at some point, somehow, manged to change the colour of the boxes to a much nicer blue. Saved it. But it wouldn’t really save.

    So when i go back to my site, it reverts back to being grey circles.

    Is there a simple fix for this?

    (Also, I’d like the option to show photos in the box when I hover over it, is that possible?)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Please use this link https://en.forums.wordpress.com/forum/css-customization#postform so you can copy and paste your text into a thread that will appear in the CSS Forum where you will get the help you need.

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