SPUN: Home Page circles; Search box circles

  • I have recently moved from Duotone to The Spun theme. I had thought that things would be easy and work as shown in the Demo for the theme.

    Home page circles: In Customization, I chose the ‘Your latest posts’ as my front cover, thinking that the latest six to nine posts would show there, but they do not.

    From Caroline Moore’s own blog re The Spun theme:

    Spun looks best if you set a featured image to represent each of your posts on the blog index and archives. If no featured image is assigned, the theme will attempt to pull the first attached image from the post. If the post does not have an image attached, the post title will be displayed.

    By “blog index”, I must presume she is referring to the home page. After reading the above, I went into my recent posts and set the Featured Image where I could (some of my posts’ images link to my other blog), pressing the Update button to save changes. This did not produce any more circles than the one latest post circle on my home page.

    I have set the Featured Image for my next six Scheduled posts. I hope they will show up on the home page, but I’m not hopeful.

    Within Customization, I had also gone to Front, to see what was there. Two choices: Your latest posts, and Static page. Nothing about choosing how many circles would appear on the home page.

    Of course, clicking onto the ‘Older posts’ button underneath the only home page circle brings up more, one at a time, so that one does end up showing however many, but they don’t remain there.

    Search box circles: Unfortunately, this only brings up the latest post and no more. I would have thought all posts for a tag/post title would show up when searching.

    I hope you can help with these two issues. Thanks! :)

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Go to Settings > Reading > “Blog pages show at most [n] posts” and change the n.

  • Thanks, justpi! I have to say it’s been a while since I’ve tinkered with the backend and have forgotten about how things work or did not see some changes, for the better, that have been made. For instance, I noticed that we now have Related Posts with thumbnails to show at the bottom of a post; this is a great innovation and I’m using it with my new blog theme — it looks great! Thanks guys! A huge thumbs up! :)

    Now, re your suggestion. As a photoblog (with occasional text), in the past and prior to now, especially when using the Duotone theme, in the Settings — Reading settings — Blog pages show at most: …. posts, I had that number set to 1, as I wanted to show only one post per page.

    However, having tested that setting with The Spun theme, I have now set it to 12. This means I have twelve circles on my Home page, and when you click onto ‘Older posts’ button underneath, you also get 12 more posts. I love this! And, No, this setting does not mean I have 12 posts to scroll through on the actual post page. Phew, and thank goodness!

    What this 12 number setting also means, from my little play-around with my blog is:

    a. When you click onto a tag at the bottom of a post, it will bring up at least 12 post circles for that tag, if there are that many, including the first black circle which has the tag-search word.

    b. When you click into the Search box in the footer of any blog page, you will only get posts that have that keyword within the post title. It took me a while to work that one out! So, I have informed possible Search box users exactly that.

    I am now very happy with the results of my play-around from your very simple suggestion, justpi. Thank you! The blog looks great now.

  • Since this post, I came across an article suggesting that people whose blogs have less than 200 posts (which includes me) would be best not to have a Search box and to use Categories instead. Sorry, don’t have a link to the article.

    So, I have changed to detailed Categories in the footer of my blog. In this way, some of the older posts can now be shown to visitors (a sort-of archive search in its way, although you still will only get 12 showing at the most, which means that I will need to break down posts into further ‘tags as categories’ to reduce the numbers. Can live with that!

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