Sporadic issues with Publicize

  • WordPress.com recently updated something behind the scenes (see here). I believe this issue with Publicize, is still not fixed completely.

    If you take a look at this post on Twitter (it looks perfectly fine there). But, the same is not showing up correctly on Facebook.

    The Facebook is missing the featured image.

    Could you please let me know if I need to be mindful of something to make sure it show up the same way on both platforms at once? I must tell you that this issue is sporadic. Most of the posts do show up equally fine on both Twitter and Facebook. I have noticed that it is only sometimes they do not show up correctly on one platform or another.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • One more broken post on FB.

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  • Hi @ismailimail,

    I have run the links you posted through the Facebook Debug tool at:

    While the images were being found they were not showing in the preview at the bottom at first. However, I waited a few minutes and tried again and the images showed. I believe this is an issue on Facebooks end.

    One option is to manually share the posts where the images do not appear and delete the automatic post.

  • Could you please tell me how many new characters does it take for Twitter? I’ve been inserting @names in the Publicize box but they don’t show up, even though I stay within the character limit of 140. Ever since you guys have made this change on Publicize (which is very good in general) I have yet to see an updated news or information on how we should use it. There appears to be no general guidelines.

  • Hi, this issue is consistent, here is another post from today. I very much like using Publicize though I have been using BufferApp as an alternate. I’d rather not go back, if WordPress could provide consistent solution.

  • > I believe this is an issue on Facebooks end.

    @bdukes, I have switched back to the alternate and external service to ping the social media (which is not desirable for me because it takes extra work).

    The Publicize service at WordPress.com is not reliable. My posts on FB are still going out without images, and I cannot take the risks anymore.

    If this is a Facebook issue, then it should be applicable to many other bloggers here. If this is specific to my account, then please let me know what I need to do from my end. I’d rather use Publicize if it becomes reliable and consistent.


  • Could you please tell me how many new characters does it take for Twitter?

    I would suggest keeping the characters under 100. The reason for this is that if you have a photo that can take ~23 characters and the link will be translated to a t.co link but can also take up some space. Keeping the total character count to under 100 should be safe.

    Regarding Facebook, I am working with our developers regarding the Facebook inconveniences and will let you know when I hear back.

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