
  • @jameswelch
    That’s a good point, and I’ve let some go that were pressing “fair use” really close to the edge and have gotten hits from them, and like you said, it improved my technorati rating (tiny though it is) and every little bit helps.

  • That is why I rarely follow up on splogging issues. Sploggers never seem to outrank WP blogs on search engines, so they aren’t really stealing hits that you’d otherwise get, and they do add techorati and google juice, if inadvertently.

    Sacredpath, thanks for posting steps to the forum. I’ve often wanted to do that, but I, too, was swamped yesterday and didn’t have time to search for how to do the lookup.

  • @rain
    My pleasure. I had just gone through it so it was all still fresh in my mind – what little I have left. :)

  • I have decided that you are not a very nice person timethief. Please do not comment on my posts in the forum in the future. Thank you!

    I want to thank all the rest of the folks that have helped me along the way. I originally believed that because I was told at the blog itself that NBAVids – Basketball Rocks was just another WordPress Weblog that it was a WordPress weblog.

    NBAVids – Basketball Rocks
    Just another WordPress weblog

    And when I read that Michael Phelan wrote an interesting post today, that meant he expoused himself to be the author of Traumatic Brain Injury and the Bully, and then provided a link to Second Chance to Live –as though he was the creator and author of Second Chance to Live I was very concerned.

    Michael Phelan wrote an interesting post today!.
    Here’s a quick excerpt
    As a traumatic brain injury survivor I struggle with a sense of inadequacy at times. At times I listen to messages that seem to challenge me for not being more than I am today. I am encouraged to be more but for some reason I simply do …

    Read the rest of this great post here

    These are the 2 concrete literal reasons why I started the post here in the forums. I was led to believe that the web log was “Just another WordPress weblog” and that Michael Phelan stated that he wrote my post. I am not happy with either deception and I am not overreacting.

    I have legitmate concerns. Thank you for the above dialog and I believe the interaction has enhanced the content presented in the forums on splogging.

    Have a simply amazing day.


  • @ secondchancetolive:

    First off, those splogs are randomly generated by a computer, based on a string of search keywords, and that is why your post has the name “Michael Phelan” as the author. This is happening all the time and since it’s only a couple of lines from your post that they’re copying/quoting it will almost certainly fall under “fair use”. In other words – forget about it. You’ll be filing DMCAs everyday if you don’t.

    Second: absolutely no need to be rude – personal insults and slighting remarks are probably the dumbest thing to use in these forums. It’s unacceptable to call people stupid or evil because you didn’t do your research properly before posting. And asking someone to stop answering your threads in the forum seems kinda weird too – if you don’t want help then don’t post your question. You can actually get far with a bit of gratitude and some common courtesy.

    Have a nice day!

    – Biyang

  • Deleted ‘cos it was a flame. Sorry.

  • “There have been a lot of questions recently about how to deal with blog scrapers, and i thought it might be useful to put up a step-by-step guide for sending a DMCA notice (or not).”

    Please refer to this excellent instructional forum post by judyb12 …
    DMCA or Not? https://en.forums.wordpress.com/topic.php?id=17307

  • The topic ‘Splog?’ is closed to new replies.