Split: Verification email

  • I am having the same issue…the blog I need help with is

  • Hey there, your account with us seems to be verified. Can you share more about the issue you’re running into?

  • yes – my email is verified, but I have multiple users as I am both the web dev and also a contributor and need to have separate logins. The default generated user from the WP installation is “user” but it won’t let me update the email address even though I’m using a separate address from my other account since you can’t have two accounts with the same email.

    When I try to change it, it says it’s sending me a verification email, but it never comes…I’ve checked all the mailboxes including Junk and Trash and nothing.

    Thanks for your help.


  • Hi there,

    Since you have a gmail address, WordPress.com emails are known to end up in your social tab if you still have that feature enabled. Either way, if you search for your domain in the general inbox search field, you should be to find the email we sent to you regardless of the folder or tab that it is in.

    Hope this helps.

    Let me know if you are still unable to find it.


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