• Hi, I have a question about the videomaker theme by automattic. Wont I recieve it as it looks like but without the images?

    When I try test and preview, only the blog section shows up and a in the menu only about shows up, why is that? Ho will I make my site look exactly like that one but with my own photos and texts?

  • Hi there,

    The only sites I see on your @studiomonira WordPress.com account when I check on our end are listed here:

    • studiomonira.wordpress.com

    Is it possible you created your site under a different login that we are not able to see? I’ve checked studiomonira.wordpress.com and it does not seem to be using the Videomaker theme.  What is the URL of the site you are needing help with?

    Happy to check in our system so we can take a closer look.

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