
  • hi all

    I have the Spiel theme, in the editor i have edited the query loop block so that it only displays 4 posts in grid format. it shows me its saved in the back end of wordpress however when I visit the blog, im able to see more than 4 posts. can anyone help?

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi there! 👋🏼

    I have the Spiel theme, in the editor i have edited the query loop block so that it only displays 4 posts in grid format. it shows me its saved in the back end of wordpress however when I visit the blog, im able to see more than 4 posts. can anyone help?

    I checked your homepage and noticed you didn’t configure the maximum number of pages to show (it should be 1 in your case) for the Query Loop block.

    Here’s a screenshot of what you need to do:

    (if you can’t see the screenshot, click here)

    Give it a try, and let us know if this helped! 😊

  • hello

    thanks for the help. Ive set this now to 1 however my homepage hasnt changed

  • Thank you for the update, and I apologize for any delay in addressing this issue. I believe I’ve identified the issue. Within the same query loop block, there’s an additional setting located in the right-hand settings section for “Sticky Posts.” Currently, with over 40 sticky posts, this setting is set to “include,” which overrides the 4-posts setting for that query.

    To resolve this, I recommend removing the “sticky” status from older posts. You’ll then need to decide whether you want your latest posts to appear without being sticky (choose “exclude”) or if only sticky posts should be displayed (choose “only”). Going forward, as you write new posts, you’ll need to adjust the “sticky” settings for both new and previously published posts accordingly.

    I hope this clarification helps! If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to reach out.

  • hi, THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!. Ive been able to remove the sticky from a lot of the older posts and this reflected in the amount of posts that were showing and also updated the setting

    thank you so much. thanks

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