Spam posts

  • Hi. I have several wordpress sites each one is 6.1.1. every day there are new spam in POSTS

    Each site has a different theme.
    Everything is updated
    Plugin only Akismet
    The blog is used on some sites and only pages on others

    I don’t know how to stop this. Does anyone have any idea ?
    Thank you in advance

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi @moris124, I don’t know of a way to completely avoid spammers with a public site, but we certainly do know how to block it. We have Askismet running on all sites we host, so it takes care of any spam for us. I noticed the site you listed has no spam, but it also isn’t really fleshed out.

    If you’re self hosting, Aksimet requires a paid upgrade, so if you’re paying for Akismet and it failing to flag spam, please contact support:

    If the plugin is active but you’re not signed up for it, we’d recommend it! But there are other plugins to help with spam prevention, too. You’re welcome to choose whichever suits you.

    Going forward, these forums are primarily for sites that use our free-tier hosting. We’re a little different from the WordPress software itself:

    You’ll want to create an account at so you’ll have access to the correct community for your site. Or, you’d be welcome to host here; your plan would get direct support.

    I hope this helps!

  • Hi

    Thank you for your reply. Yes I use Askismet unfortunately it doesn’t do anything.

    Going forward, these forums  …

    Thank you for the clarification. I thought this was a general forum for wordpress

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