Spam comments warning notice

  • I got this showing up on my wordpress site : Warning: We noticed you have un-spammed many spam comments. The spam comments you have approved may include links to dangerous, fraudulent or obscene web sites. Approving them may harm your readers and damage your position in search engine rankings.

    Please take the time to read 5 things every blogger should know about spam, and then use the Spam button to correct any mistakes you may have made in approving comments for publication on your blog. In particular, please pay attention to the links in comments when deciding if something is or is not spam. Once you have done this (or if you think we’ve made a mistake) you can contact support to have this notice removed.

    I did notice after i saw this that there were several unsavory comments I had approved, not realizing they were simply ads that didn’t need to be on my site. I deleted them, going through all approved comments and all marked spam. Some were not spam, however, but simply other wordpress sites that contained similar material as my own or needed to reference a particular article.

    Please remove the notice as I am now more aware of the spam commenting and will keep a closer eye on things.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hi — I didn’t know did that. How cool. Spam is nasty stuff.

    You can contact wordpress here:

    Be sure to “search” for something. The contact form will appear at the bottom of the page when you tick “no” the response didn’t help.

  • Just for the record: We don’t do this very often. Only when an otherwise well-meaning blogger un-spams many obviously spammy comments. Particularly those that contain dangerous links. It’s necessary to protect you and your readers from harmful sites.

    The dashboard notice includes a link to the contact form.

  • Thanks for explaining, tellyworth! Still think it’s cool! :-)

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