Spam coming from One IP Address

  • Is there anyway WordPress can block an IP address. I have gotten over 200 spam messages from It is getting caught be Akismet but it is just driving me crazy. It is also going after me newest posts, so I do not want to turn off the comments on these post.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Are the spams on older posts on your blog? Go to settings discussion and make sure that “Don’t discard spam on old posts” is NOT selected. Make sure and click save changes. That should take care at least some of it on older posts (they don’t tell us what they consider “old” though).

    Do also remember that even though it is a pain to delete all the spams, be thankful Akismet is catching them.

  • If the spam is being caught akismet then just let the spam site there
    the spam will delete automatically after a certain amount of days.

  • thesacredpath-No, it is on my newest posts. Whenever I post something new I get hit with a ton of spam. Of course, it is these posts that I do not want to turn off comments. Yes I know that Akismet is catching them, I am just pissed that it is from one IP address and there is no way to block it.

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