spam attack from Poland

  • RE: Extra bad attack by spams. I am getting over 25 messages per hour from an IP address from Poland. They are dot PL addresses.
    Yes, they do get directed to my ‘spam’ folder. I followed those directions.

    Is there a way to block them from even that?
    Is this a WordPress wide problem?
    It started about 2 days ago.
    Blog url:

  • If they are held in Akismet, then there is no problem. For my blog, it goes in spurts. Some days I get hundreds, others a handful. But Akismet is doing its job. Today is a fairly low numbered day.

    You can either click Empty Spam, or just leave it alone and the spam will be automatically removed after a period of time.

  • Thanks! Auto removal deal news to me!

  • Akismet is remarkably accurate. The vast and overwhelming majority of all so-called information on the internet is spam. Over 80% of all so-called comments submitted to blogs every day are spam. The worst of all spam containing malware and viruses is not sent to us. It’s removed as it could bring down many blogs if opened. The rest is an can be examined in your dashboard > Comments > Spam

    If Akismet has sequestered these spam comments simply click “empty spam” button. On the spam that Akismet catches it takes only seconds to click “empty spam” and you don’t even have to click “empty spam” if you don’t want to. Akismet will maintain comments it has caught for 15 days from the time they were received, and then it will delete the comment automatically.

    If you get spam that slips by Akismet then mark it as spam (do not delete it) and over time Akismet will learn it’s spam.

    For more information please take the time to read “5 things every blogger should know about spam” on this page Akismet: How it works

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