Spacing between post in K2 lite

  • I am trying to widen the space between posts in K2, but cannot find any helpful information on the forum and on the net regarding this matter. I have CSS, but don’t know what to do… please help! And would it be difficult to add a dotted line between posts as well?

  • It’s not clear to me whether or not you have purchased the css customization upgrade or not. If you have this is a question for the css customization forum that I cannot answer.

    If not then thethere are two ways to force a space that may work:
    (1) <br/> I know this looks backwards but it’s now the standard.
    (2) <p>&nbsp;</p>

  • yes, I have purchased the upgrade for CSS customization but I don’t know what the terminology for the space between posts is called- and because of this, I am having problems finding information on css code….

  • I’m sorry but I know nothing about css customization and you are the second blogger to post on this “spacing” subject this morning. Please be patient while waiting for a blogger with css customization experience to get back to you.

  • the div that contains your post is .entry-content, so add:

    .entry-content { margin-bottom: 4em; }

    to get a dotted line, add

    border-bottom: #666 1px dotted;

    as well.
    that will put the line directly under your post, with 4 empty lines between posts. if you want some spacing before the line, add:
    padding-bottom: 2em;

  • woohoo~ the spacing worked! thank you! But the dotted line didn’t – unfortunately. I would rather have the spacing anyways! thanks again.

  • oooh I figured out the dotted line! Thank you!!!!!!!

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