space distribution

  • Hooo! Just noticed some interesting … let’s call it phenomenon.

    For my site
    I apply the theme Gateway and getting used to it. What I like is that when one scrolls up the menu bar remains visible at the top of the page. Great! Today I moved the browser window to a smaller, narrower monitor (15 inch wide) and I noticed two things: Firstly, a wide blue line appeared inside the header image and secondly, when scrolling, the menu bar disappeared.

    I moved it back onto the wider monitor (21 inch wide) and altered the width of the browser window. At below 19 inch width, the blue line appeared and at the same time the menu bar disappeared when scrolling, when I widened the browser window above 19 inch again, all was reversed.

    What do you think?

  • Hi @wolfganko, I’m still working on the images issue :) Hang tight and we’ll get through the rest, too.

    Question for you: did you export / import the posts, or just copy and paste to move them over?

  • copy / paste

    I have not tried export / import but will give it a go


  • I tried to import / export and it works, meaning the images which are attached to the page get transferred into the target media library.

    Unfortunately, I have already deleted the page on the old site.

  • OK, sorry I had assumed the first time that you had exported and imported; I’d need that to be able to import them automatically for you. Basically I thought we were fixing an import gone awry. I don’t think there’s a way for us to automatically generate database info for the images without that, so you would need to add them via Upload Media, and then insert them into the posts.

    About the blue line under the header graphic: try uploading a somewhat taller image and I think that will go away.

  • Hm, thanks. So there is no way to move an image from the library of one site to the library of another site?

    About the header… the uploaded image is larger but when I want to use it as header image it goes through the crop and resize step… aha! just noticed that I can skip cropping. Yes, it works. Gee, you are good!

    Happy New Year

  • So there is no way to move an image from the library of one site to the library of another site?

    There are two ways:

    1) using the export / import function with images and posts (because you would need to correct the references in the posts as well), or

    2) manually uploading images.

    Glad the header is working out well for you!

  • Hm, thanks, I was thinking more along the line of clicking on an image and selecting it this way rather than finding its date of upload (start date and end date)

    Yes, thanks, the header is working well now. It took me some time to work out that the top edge of the image is constant and the width changes proportionally so that the image content remains the same, it just shows more in height, when the browser window is reduced.

    So, when the image has been cropped and there is nothing to be shown, the empty space is filled with grey.

    Yes, all good now. I learned quite a bit.

  • Glad we could help, @wolfganko :)

    And yeah, even if there were a simple way to copy images over, it wouldn’t do much good since the posts all reference the old location. Best way is to export and import if possible; if not, manually updating is the way to go. Cheers :)

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