space distribution

  • All my sites are page oriented. In some of my sites, I don’t want to use the sidebar but rather use most of the width of the window for text. However, even I placed no widgets in the sidebar, the space is still kept occupied. More importantly, the text does not take over this space.

    The theme Mystique offered 3 choices of space distribution, unfortunately, it is outdated. Does anyone know of a more current theme that gives this choice.

    Or any other way to get rid of the sidebar. There are themes with no sidebar, but the text area is too narrow for my application.

  • Have a look at Hemingway Rewritten. It has a very wide posting area when using the full page template.

    I’ve also tagged this for Staff input in helping you find a new theme.

  • You find me everywhere? :-)

    Yes, Hemingway is good, just did a preview. It has a wide text area, great. In the preview version, I could not find a place to choose the full page template. Is this the standard version?

    I will stick with the current theme, Gateway. I noticed that for Hemingway I need to reformat the pages, big job.

    And, I really appreciate you looking after me … and I hope you will like the outcome.

    I like setting up my sites in ways that they are easy to read. I just worked out how to change font size and how to make tables. But, I really have to stop now, it’s half past 8 and I am starving… and no one is cooking! :-(

  • If the theme supports a full-width, no sidebar Page template, you’ll find it in the Page Attributes module when editing or writing your Page.

  • Gee, I never saw that…

    The change to other template does not show in preview, only after page update

    applying it to gateway (current theme), the headlines are reformated to centre (I can live with that), but I lost all my footers

  • Something else …

    When writing or editing a page, what’s shown in the editing window can be very different to what’s on the real site, especially, when images are involved. Is there a trick where I can do this in real time, like in when customising a site?

    Preview is a bit inconvenient because the real page always jumps up to the top and I have to find where I made the changes… when updating the site stays where it had been (great), but it takes longer and the page in the editor jumps up to the start.

    If you think this question should be somewhere else, could you do it or let me know.

    Thanks, I am grateful for your help

  • Hi, can you clarify this?

    but I lost all my footers

    Maybe we can help you with that.

    When writing or editing a page, what’s shown in the editing window can be very different to what’s on the real site, especially, when images are involved. Is there a trick where I can do this in real time, like in when customising a site?

    I see you’ve found the preview link. That’s the best we’ve got right now, but do know that it will show you previews for different devices, which can be really helpful.

    Can you link me to a post or two that’s giving you display trouble? I may be able to make recommendations.

  • @supernovia
    lost footer widgets… at the moment I am searching for a new theme… and switching from 2011 to Gateway, all the footer widgets disappeared… It did
    not show in the preview setting, only after I activated the new theme. Some of them I could replace easily, others, which I constructed, I have to make again.

    Sometimes, also links are lost and all the pages need reformatting.

    The second problem refers to editing, reformatting pages. Some pages are quite long and it can take an hour or more just for one page.

    Is there a more real-time editing available, or a way, which is not as awkward… I described this further up

    Something else …

    When writing or editing a page, what’s shown in the editing window can be very different to what’s on the real site, especially, when images are involved. Is there a trick where I can do this in real time, like in when customising a site?

    Previewing a page goes fast but is inconvenient because the real page always jumps up to the top and I have to find where I made the changes… when updating a page, the real site stays where it had been (great), but it takes longer to refresh and the page in the editor jumps up to the start.

    It works but is just awkward.

  • I’ll break this reply into chunks so nothing gets lost, but from here it may be easiest if you’ll enter one thread per issue, and one issue per thread.

    I do recommend previewing themes before activating them. But if you have activated a theme and lost some of your old widgets, head to and look at the inactive widgets area. Your old widgets will be there.

    Re: all links being lost, go to My Site > Customize > Menus and find your old menu, and assign it to this theme’s location.

  • The second problem refers to editing, reformatting pages. Some pages are quite long and it can take an hour or more just for one page.

    Please send an example page, I’ll take a look.

  • When writing or editing a page, what’s shown in the editing window can be very different to what’s on the real site, especially, when images are involved. Is there a trick where I can do this in real time, like in when customising a site?
    Previewing a page goes fast but is inconvenient

    Preview is the only preview we have at the moment.

  • yeehaw! found the inactive widgets and installed them again, great, thanks

    Here is a link to a sample page

    Some of the text refers to images. after changing to a new theme, text and images are out of line. Secondly, some large gaps in the text have appeared. In order to rearrange the text, I have to do it tentatively in the editor and then check it in real time… you can imagine, that’s very tedious

  • the original theme was Mystique, then I tried 2011 and now its Gateway

    The site I try to format to my liking is called

    About an inspirited, artistic, oldtimer Ingeneer.

    Thanks to you and Jennifer I am going through a steep learning curve and I am very happy about that. Thanks

  • Have you thought about using captions with these images instead? When you “float” an image to the right or the left, it’s a bit like a floating ice cube. The rest of the text should just flow around it. But that can also mean you don’t get fine control with linebreaks, as I can see you’ve been trying to do.

    You could add captions to each post and simply let them appear where they may. Take out all of those extra line breaks you’ve added.

    Or, if you need the images to show in order, you might make them full width and list them one at a time.

    Or, you could tell your story and show the images in a small gallery in each section. There are lots of ways to conquer this.

    The point is, try not to control the layout with linebreak, linebreak, linebreak, since that’s likely to break on other screen sizes or themes anyway.

    By the way, I noticed your images are not uploaded to this site. I’d recommend adding them to this site in case you ever reorganize the other one. Plus that will give you options for laying out the images in a gallery, which can be a lovely effect.

  • Thank you so much.

    Yes, I have used captions. So far I have kept them small, just a reference for orientation. I will try what it looks like with a larger caption. I prefer keeping text and image together because it helps the reader to compare the two.

    Yes, the full-width image or at least the centred position I have tried in a site with a narrower text width. It works well. In a site with a full-width text layout the image would take up much space, the proportions would be out… I know, I am a bit of a fuzz pot.

    Thanks, I will reduce the use of linebreaks. It’s a bit like juggling, I agree.

    Yes, I have moved some pages from on site to another and I was glad that I did not need to move the images. Is there a way to move images from one site to another, rather than uploading them? It would be easier because the images would be all together at the previous site while when I have to upload them, they would be spread all over my computer… organised in a different way.

    I have not worked yet with galleries… would you recommend some reading?

    I am really happy about your help. Is there a place where I can give you a few stars? Happy New Year, Wolfgang

  • We can try to import all images if you’d like. We wouldn’t be able to do it selectively by post, though, and we’d be looking for images from a single site. Let me know and I’ll ask one of our developers to take a look.

    If you had the images imported, you could arrange them in galleries, so maybe 2-3 images across the full width of the page, but they would still be close enough to their related text to make sense. It will only work with images that are uploaded to the site, but here’s how it works:

  • In a site with a full-width text layout the image would take up much space, the proportions would be out.

    When inserting images you can choose less than full size (meaning full width of the content container). After inserting the image, click on the image and you should see + and – buttons above the image. You should also be able to drag the corners of the image to resize.

    If you need help with Galleries, I’d be happy to help. Just let me know. :)

  • @ supernovia… sounds Italian…

    The site where are the images are is and the receiving site would be
    could they just be copied, not moved because some images are linked to pages on xcogitations. Once they are moved, sorting them out is easy.

    Thanks for your idea… I will have a look at the link about galleries.

    I have started taking the linebreaks out and the result is quite ok… the images do not line up EXACTLY… but I need to learn to be more flexible.

    Thanks for your offer. I give the gallery idea a go and see what will happen. I wouldn’t be surprised if you would here from me.

  • just learned: if you open a page via WP Admin there is a slightly different procedure for setting up a gallery… I have not worked out how to give a gallery a title.

    For the moment I will stay with the individual treatment and display of images. It appears to me that galleries have their place for grouped photos.

    I dabbled a bit in the Gallery Shortcode chapter but it was above my knowledge. There is a table with different settings. It would have been helpful for me if there would have been a visual consequence for each or a group of options and also a complete sample of the shortcode in order to get there.

    Not to worry.

    I am sure I will use the gallery next time when it feels right.

    Thanks again to both of you and happy New Year

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