[SOS] How to recovery the deleted blog posts?

  • My blog was moved from windows live space to wordpress two weeks ago.
    It’s my first time to use wordpress…because of my misoperation, all the posts were deleted….
    This blog is really quiet…important for me, and i have kept on writting posts for 4 years.

    anyone who can tell me hoIs there w to recovery all the contents?
    Is it possible to recovery if i write to wordpress customer service and apply for recovery?

    Thank you all!
    Waiting for the solutions.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • There is good news and bad news. The good news is, it’s probably possible to get back the posts (although maybe not the URL if you deleted it). The bad news is, staff will have to get them back for you, and you’ll need to wait till they’re back from holidays and then contact them from your dashboard Help button

    In the meantime, please read this sticky thread:


  • I’ve restarted the import for your site and it’s now pulling over all of your posts from your old Windows Live Spaces site – please check when it’s done and let me know if everything is a-OK.

    Remember that this is a public forum; do not post personal information or passwords. If you need help that requires either of those, I can get in touch with you via email in response.

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