Sorry but the domain has not been registered yet therefore cannot be m

  • Hi
    i’m trying to map my domain ( into wordpress and the following message appears: Sorry but has not been registered yet therefore cannot be mapped.

    My registered domain data is:
    Creat 15-12-2015
    Sponsor 10dencehispahard S.L. (
    Estat serverTransferProhibited
    Servidor de noms
    Qui l’ha registrat
    ID CD145017567547
    Nom Gemma Adell Aregall

    can you help?

  • When we need Staff help with issues Volunteers cannot resolve like this one wherein Staff have to add a zone record to make domain mapping possible we type modlook into the sidebar tags on our forum threads. I did that for you.

    From the support docs: How do I get a Moderator/Staff reply for my question? Then we subscribe to this thread so we are notified when they respond. To subscribe look in the sidebar of this thread, find the subscribe to topics link and click it.

    After Staff add the zone record you will be able to follow-through.

    re: mapping an existing domain does not accept domain transfers but mapping an existing domain is possible.

    Domain mapping of an existing domain URL that you already own and purchased elsewhere is not done free of charge. You will have to renew the domain name purchase where you made, it and the domain mapping purchase here, each and every year.

    Mapping an existing domain costs $13. annually and a domain name purchase and domain mapping are included in the Premium upgrade bundle.

    In order to map to a domain one must have an underlying sub-domain blog to map from and it does not matter what that underlying URL is. It does not have to match the domain URL.

    If you have registered a blog you log in as Admin under the exact same username account that registered the WordPress.COM blog, and as you own a domain URL already, you can see here for mapping an existing domain.

    It can take between 24 – 72 hours for domain name propagation to take place throughout the internet. You can view the DNS changes here > What’s important during that stage is to be patient.

  • Hi @gemmaadell, sometimes our check doesn’t handle certain domains. I’ve mapped this for you, so you’ll just need to finish up with these steps:

    – Purchase the subscription by renewing here:

    – Point the domain to our name servers and give it a few hours to take effect:

    – Set the domain as primary under

    Let us know if you need more help!

  • Thank you, but…
    Sorry, but I was trying to create a new blog with the domain “”, no to map my previous blog (tropaviatgera).
    Now I’ve created the new one with another name (vetaquiblog) in order you could re-map it. Is it possible to change the mapping you’ve done to this one:

    Sorry again, and thanks a lot for your help.

  • Sure, @gemmaadell . That’s done. You’ll still need to renew here since the other steps are done:

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