Somo Theme – Lightbox issue

  • Hi, so I have installed the Somo theme from themeforest, but for some reason my youtube linked videos do not open up when they’re clicked on. I receive a message saying “The image could not be loaded”, even though the thumbnail for the youtube video loads and appears in the gallery. I’m trying to figure it out but I have no idea why it’s not working as it should. I emailed support and created a ticket but I’ve been waiting all day and don’t have a response. It’s kinda urgent because my site is being featured in a few online publications right now and it’s not functioning as it should. I tested the videos on the front page slider and they worked so I assumed the gallery was working as well. The website is

  • Hi there,

    Your site is not hosted on, but using the open source software at another hosting provider.

    Please contact support for the theme you’re using directly for help with this.

    For general help with the version of WordPress you’re using, you can ask the community over at

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