Something weird about my referrers today

  • On my referrers now, I have several from my own site:

    I’ve never seen that before. So I checked the search terms and maybe it came from the direct url link of my site. But it wasn’t. But why am I getting referrers from the main page of my blog and also other pages from my blog? I don’t think this ever happened before.

  • That’s actually how they looked originally. Might be a burp of some sort. If it remains after a day or so, I would send in a feedback.

  • does anyone know what it means if your own url becomes your referrer? how can your own blog address be a referrer?

  • that usually means that someone (perhaps it’s yourself) follows a link (like the post title) from any page of your blog.

    [apparently, there some works on developement of the blog stats are going behind the scene.

    I’ve noticed that wpcom now wants to me to eat ‘urchin’ cookies even when I try to browse my own blog being logged in]

  • *cough* padding page views *cough* :)

    Strange. I’m not getting any urchin cookies over here and, being on a terminal, this thing is wide open to just about everything that gets thrown at it.

    And leave my IP alone. Go blame the state of North Carolina. :)

  • well, i always go back to my blog after logging off to check for typos – sod’s law always makes that typos are more apparent after you’ve logged out so you have to log in again to correct it. i’ve always done that, but this is the first time i’ve seen it. thanks drmike and options

  • Right now it’s still like that. And I got a big hike in traffic too. I haven’t got this much like maybe in about two weeks. Could it be counting my own visits, but it’s not suppose to. I think I also saw now that it’s going to some pages that I haven’t been at for a few days. Could it be search terms of some sort that are saying it’s instead?

  • I also noticed that the url of the referrals from my blog also says the page number on the url. Like it says

    But on this link of Gwenyth Paltrow’s son’s pictures:

    I didn’t see any search terms that were looking for anything having to do with Paltrow or her new baby.

  • they’ve run out of cookies, no more for today.

    so it’s yours, oh my… I’m sorry, Mike, can’t touch this ;-)

  • i saw those referers from my own link: yesterday. never saw them before.

  • What’s actually strange is that I’m seeing it on one of my personal self hosted blogs as well that’s not connected to the system.

    This one is out of my hands as well. The Stats code was designed in house and not released. It’s probably in MU but we kick out the full version over in my company.

    I am *NOT* seeing it though on my webcomic though and that one is set up so that a vistor has to go through each Post. You would think that you would be seeing it on that one but I’m not.

  • are you sure you’re not

    *cough* padding page views *cough* :)

    ? =P

  • That’s why I sent them to the backup install of the webcomic and not the main one. :)

    It’s actually the testbed of a Blogger API install for cross posting that I’m trying to get to work.

    If I wanted page views, I’d send them to my blog. :) (Well, except for the Picture FAQ of course)

  • Actually getting more traffic from the tag system over this thread. :)

  • Today I am seeing a lot of referrer links that just say I haven’t had this before. Does any one what it means?

  • You’re in the top 10 today:–20060502210316.bmp/view/

    It’s on the main page of

  • wow. what do you know. go figure. thanks.

  • [humour]Show off[/humour] :)

  • Again, I’m getting my own blog showing up as a referrer: just one post, for several days now. And what’s weird is that I know quite well I’ve got internal links all over the place, so this can’t be the ONLY one that people are clicking on.

    Operation Global Media Domination: Egg Day

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