something is really wrong… please HELP

  • hi.

    i had message to renew my premium. my domain is expired it says. it is a domain i bought from my register ( and the domain is perfectly valid.

    your system told me to renew my premium. so i tried. 7 times with card and paypal. nothing worked. it just says on the top “your domain doesnt have this upgrade subscription. do you meant to buy it?” but there is not button yes or no…. so it just doesnt work. i CAN NOT renew my domain. and now its is a week and i dont want to loose our website or go out of your grace period.

    and your website is full of contradiction. i had to pay separatly 13$ to renew only our domain. but i already own it through my register ! why should i have to pay it to you again? anyway i did and now the website is back online… BUT………….

    – it says in MY UPGRADES that my domain “This upgrade will stop functioning on June 12, 2016”.

    – it also says in MY DOMAIN that “ Expiring – will stop functioning on June 12, 2017”


    and the cost of the domain is included in my offer premium of 99$/year. but as your store does NOT work properly, i had to buy it separatly.

    i ask you please to solve this problem without delay and i ask to be rembourse of my 13$. and have my premium be able to be paid and active for one more year.

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • hi there,
    Sorry to hear about your troubles with the renewals.

    The $13 price is for domain mapping and is included as part of the premium.

    The domain mapping upgrade redirects your viewers from to

    – it says in MY UPGRADES that my domain “This upgrade will stop functioning on June 12, 2016”.

    This means that the domain upgrade will expire on June 12-2016.

    I have tagged this for a staff to look into the reimbursements. Please be patient while they get back to you.

  • Hi alexandrebau,

    I’d be happy to clarify, the domain mapping upgrade allows you to use a domain purchased elsewhere with a site.

    For example, if you bought the domain at and wished to use it with your site you will need to purchase domain mapping to associate the domain with

    You have successfully mapped the domain to

    Note that the Premium Plan on this site is owned by another user on the site. To renew the plan that user must log in and visit the My Upgrades page at:

    If you give us permission we can refund your recent domain mapping purchase and associate it with the Premium Plan owner’s account. By doing this the domain will be linked to the plan each year allowing them to be renewed together.

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