Someone Else Keeps Leaving Password Change Requests

  • Years ago I (on this account, ejensen) was added as user to a student-run blog ( I left the blog in 2010 (following the instructions at WP support, – or thought I did. However, I keep getting password reset requests in my e-mail every few years.

    I checked, and don’t see silsblog listed anywhere in my blogs. Also, silsblog is currently private, so I can’t contact anyone there to ask them. My best guess is someone might still see me as a user and keeps trying to reset my password to gain full access to the blog. Is this possible? If so, is there a way to 1) make sure I am not still listed as user on silsblog, 2) stop these requests?

    Any help will be appreciated – and thanks!

  • flagged for staff attention

  • PS – If you have any status on that blog you should be able to log into the site to either view or edit the contents – but the staff can tell you if you have any privileges on that site and maybe they can shed some insight on the password reset requests

  • Hi there,

    I can confirm that you are not a user on the blog anymore. The password reset notifications come from anyone requesting a password reset for your account here:

    There isn’t a way to stop those requests (otherwise you wouldn’t be able to reset your password there if you needed to) but there’s no need to worry — no one can reset your password that way without having access to your email.

    If you’d like to add more security to your account, you can also add Two Step Authentication. That way, even if someone gains access to your email account to reset your password, they won’t be able to log in without that second authorization step.

  • Thanks @rachelmcr – so to sort of summarize the resets are not coming from – at all – but are coming from the account – ejensen – which in my experience could be someone spelling their account or email address wrong?


  • Yes, that’s pretty much it. It’s possible that someone is starting on and going from there to the password reset form, but it isn’t because there’s a link between the blog and the account. A password reset request always means someone entered the account’s username (ejensen) or email address, and that could be due to someone making a mistake or typo in that process.

  • Thank you, all, for your replies. And than you, Rachel, for the confirmation.

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