someone attrack use

  • I want them to delete the fault abuse information about me.
    Or it’s possible to inform to delete?
    Otherwise I can’t contact [redacted by mod] phone number or live chat.
    Can you please recommend me? Thanks

    Best regard,

    The blog I need help with is: (visible only to logged in users)

  • Hello, If you find a site that is violating the Terms of Service or User Guidelines, please report it to the ToS team at or via the Action bar found in the lower right corner of any WPcom you visit when logged in to your account. The Terms of Service team will review the report and take the necessary action.

    Please note:

    Before reporting a site with this form please verify that the site in question is hosted by Automattic ( As a reminder, we have no control over self-hosted sites built using free WordPress software which may mention “Powered by” or something similar. Those sites use the open-source WordPress software and aren’t hosted by us, so you should contact the appropriate web host with complaints.

    Since we cannot resolve possible Terms of Service issues here in the community forums, I’ll go ahead and close this thread.

  • Confirming from staff as well; please work directly with TOS on this.

    Report a Site

  • The topic ‘someone attrack use’ is closed to new replies.