Some can’t see my images

  • Is this happening to anyone else? I am getting comments from people who can’t see my images. They say that instead of the images they get 1kb bmp files. I am using silver is the new black and hosting my images elsewhere. Sound familiar to anyone? It’s always ok for me. thanks.

  • I see them fine. Do they say which pictures are showing up as tiny *.bmp’s? Do they tell you what browsers they are using? How about security setup? And example of which posts that this is happening on?

    *chuckle* Now you see what I get to go through in a normal day. :)

  • everything is ok.

    (when I turn off my ‘Kill off-site images’ filter)

  • thanks guys. Options – what setting is that? Is it in your browser? Is that a firefox thing? I think you are on to something. The people leaving me the “i can’t see the images” comments must be filtering out offsite images.

  • it’s an HHTP proxy filter (Mozilla/FF has a similar setting) — off-site hotlinked images (bigger certain sizes or instead too small to see) are often advert banners/counters/spies/other bs, so I am normally filtering them.

  • You have plenty of space to waste here. I would just go ahead and upload them to your space. I would think that it would be quicker as well since all of the information would be pulling from one place instead of two. Also just in case if your second site goes down. :whistle:

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